Why Arts + Mindfulness?
Explore artistic practices in a non-judgmental space for reflection and expression.
Practice mindful awareness to increase your capacity for insight and compassion.
Learn new tools to creatively manage stress, reduce anxiety and depression and build self-esteem.
Nurture your imagination to support healthy relationships and a generative outlook on life.
We invite you to...
CONNECT with your lived experience as a source of intelligence.
FOSTER your curiosity and wonder.
EXPLORE new possibilities for self-discovery and personal freedom.
DISCOVER your own wisdom and a more genuine way of being in the world.
Emily and Anna are an interdisciplinary team that came together from the two sides of the expression spectrum. Emily’s background in the arts has been infused with an investment in various brain-based, somatic and therapeutic practices, while Anna’s background in neuroscience and health informatics has been informed by pursuits in music, photography and visual art.